Welcome to the Liberation Museum of Bart Oostvogels
WW2 and our liberators
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Timberwolf Battlefield tour 2008
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The 104th Timberwolf division liberated Achtmaal
Attached were the 555 AAA and the 750th Thank batalion
And the British 147th Regiment Royal Armoured Core.
We still are very grateful for that to all of them!
Did you know that we call the Germans "Duitsers" and that in our dialect this sounds like "Duts" which is almost simular to your calling us Dutch.
Can you understand how shocked some people where when you, the American liberators asked them nicely: "You Dutch?" Everyone here who didn't speak English (and that was approximately 98%) was flabergasted when asked and would start denying most seriously we presume.
So we constantly search for uniforms.
It really all started in the spring of 1995, (We were Teun 7 and Bart 9 Years old then). Television, Radio, News papers, School everything evolved around the Second World War. Granddad started talking again about the time he was forced to work in Ulm in Germany, where "colored?" American soldiers liberated him. He had never seen a colored man before, and he had never in his life been so happy to see those people. (Members of the American 44th Division told us they liberated Ulm) Our Grandmothers also started talking about their experiences then and we were so very interested. One of them lived at a Farm near the Manor house "Walstein"(click) and our other grandmother told us about the "Escape from Breda" when the entire city was on the run on May 10 1940.
Then in May the liberation parades started and that gave us the idea to start collecting.
Through the years Teun stopped collecting but I am still going strongh.
The "Timberwolf Veterans" who visited were so welcome and such a welth of information came from all veterans we got to know. Some we met and a lot we mailed with. We discovered there are a lot of "Timberwolf books" Through the years the veterans and their family spoiled us with flags and all kinds of memorabilia with real stories, real scanned pictures, a helmet liner, things soldiers used during the war.
The Timberwolf Battlefield tours visiting us always is a great honor. "Timberwolf pups"now have taken over their parents place. They continue to remember and they now come on battlefield tour.
museum collection, started in 1995,
with the help of my own family is very importent to me.
Seagulls |
Old Faithful |
Mountaineers |
Sometimes people don't understand what I collect and look strange at it, I don't collect the war, I collect the liberation. It's never good when people try to oppress each other.
My world War 2 museum is just my private collection. Please don't get the wrong idea's.
If you want to visit us, please e-mail us.
Some old prewar Dutch uniforms.
In this Glass cupboard are helmets of America, England and the Netherlands. After searching for years, we at last found a few genuine American Second World War helmets, often without a liner, but within our price range. We also have a British RAF hat that was fought with in Burma against the Japanese. With the helmets we put in some items the men wearing the helmet could have used.
And more Uniforms, and things to make a better display.
Rifles and guns are all drawn and sawn with a fret saw by Bart when he was a young boy, we only collect legal things.
Collecting we also found lots of interesting papers and pictures and a scrapbook with General (Terrible) Terry Allen on it. He was the leader of the 104th and most veterans speak very highly of him.
He was well respected.
The little books and brochures of that period were often printed in London. They where all against the Germans of course. And we are very proud to have this copy of a Wolf Scout paper.
The Timberwolf Howl is new.
Click above to see this very good one.
In the Netherlands illegal papers were printed for people to keep in touch with what really was going on. The machines must have looked similar to this one.
We now know that the 104th Timberwolf Division during the liberation of Achtmaal and Zundert was attached to the British 147th Regiment Royal Armored Core.
We know they deserve a good place to in our collection so we are starting a special corner for them.
We would like to know more about the way they where dressed and all the other details we can get, so if anyone can help us here, we would be very pleased.
We are also wondering if anyone remembers the liberation of Achtmaal and Zundert. Are there books about this regiment?
So far a bit about our collecting and our museum
It's not so simple to find real old things, sometimes we bought things wasn't really of the second World War, that was hard being a kid, but it tught us a lot.
By now we also have a lot of books of and about the second World War too, reading listening and Discovery channel are good sources for us to get to know things and of course veterans and people who really lived through the war. We love to hear stories and try to remember them all.
We feel very honored and feel proud of this plaque that a friend of us received for us at the August 31 2002 reunion of the
"104th Infantry Division National Timberwolf Association" .
We are very pleased with it but feel it should have been us giving them a commemorative plaque.
From here you'll find questions and interesting things for you.
You can click your mouse button on the subjects in order to see bigger pictures or more of the story etc.
If we showed you differently the page would be to large and load to slow.
We hope you'll understand.
Who knows these soldiers????
Click on the pictures for more!!!!
If you do please tell us.
Here they where stationed from end 1944 until the end of WW2(we think)
Who lost these pictures??????? in the beginning of the battle on the Belgium-Dutch border Wuustwezel-Achtmaal- Zundert????
When Achtmaal was liberated and the soldiers moved on, someone found them in a foxhole, took them home and they where now given to us.
Click the picture
Newspaper cuttings (translated)
A brave girl who warned the a forward platoon of A 329th and gave them apples
And another Girl who gave Apples to the 104th
Achtmaal:this house was a refuge for pilots secretly leaving the Netherlands on route back to England, but also for other refugees, who is able remember this???????????????(click for more information)
Some information of our grandpa Bart van Dijk, in his days as forced labouror in Germany during the 2nd World War.
Do you remember this music?
Help Wanted, Do you know? (Click the question for more information)
More about the painting made in the neighbourhood of Sittard (Dutch Limburg) by a German soldier?
Could I be so forward now to ask you the following?
Is there maybe something you could add to my small "museum"???
Uniforms; Pictures; badges;webbing; everything used during the war if it is legal to have.
Stories of ALL veterans are very much appreciated and also pictures, we are glad with all pictures of the period, scanned or copied everything is welcome.
Click on the jeep for our search page
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Since a few years I also collect everything about the
Dutch Indies, the KNIL and the forgotten Army
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