Mrs. & Mr.Kools with their son Leon
who was born in 1942.Although he can't really remember it himself, he knows that his parents helped pilots to escape, and they also gave shelter to other refugees.
During the war they made their home a refuge for pilot's who wanted to return to England, and also other people could count on their help. Mr. Kools died only a few years after the war, but maybe someone can remember the faces of these people or the farm they lived in.
This is probably the translation of other official Documents in English. They have only the official translation now.
This document is allocated to
I Kools - Broos
As a sign of gratitude and appreciation, for the help given to sailors, volant (? Dictionary says "shuttle-cock" ?) and pilots of the British Commonwealth, which help gave them the opportunity to escape or to prevent capture by the enemy.
Air-Marshal Deputy of the
Commander-in-chief of the R.A.F.
The President of the U.S.A. has instructed me to express to
I.I. Kools Broos
The gratitude and appreciation of the American people for the generous service shown, by helping allied soldiers to escape out of the hands of the enemy.
to english page
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